Law Enforcement Services/ Criminal Investigations


    Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security workers plan, manage and provide legal, public safety, security, and protective services. Occupations are numerous and represent multiple levels of education and skills. These occupations fall into major categories based on common knowledge and skills: correction services such as correctional officers and jailers; emergency and fire management services such as fire fighters, EMTs, paramedics, and public safety communications; security and protective services such as information security IT specialists; law enforcement such as criminal investigators, police officers, special agents; and legal services such as a court reporters or lawyers. 

     Workers in the Law Enforcement/Criminal Investigation area include a variety of occupations involved in protecting the public, maintaining order, and enforcing laws. Criminal Investigators investigate alleged or suspected violations of Federal, state, or local laws to determine if evidence is sufficient to recommend prosecution. This may include preparing reports that detail investigation findings, obtaining and verifying evidence by interviewing and observing suspects and witnesses or by analyzing records, obtaining and using search and arrest warrants, testifying before grand juries concerning criminal activity investigations, collecting and recording physical information about arrested suspects, including fingerprints, height and weight measurements, and photographs. 

     Numerous job openings will stem from employment growth attributable to the desire for increased corporate, industrial and homeland security. Also, a more security‐conscious society and concern about drug‐related crimes should contribute to the increasing demand.

Criminal Investigations Pathway

  • Introduction to Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security
  • Criminal Justice Essentials
  • Criminal Investigations

Introduction to Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security (Level 1)

Course Description: 

     Introduction to Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Security (LPSCS) is the pre-requisite for all other courses within the Career Cluster. This course provides students with career-focused educational opportunities in various LPSCS fields. It examines the basic concepts of law related to citizens’ rights and the responsibilities, and students will receive instruction in critical skill areas including: communicating with diverse groups, conflict resolution, ethics, CERT (Citizens Emergency Response Training, or similar program), basic firefighting, report writing, terrorism, civil and criminal law. Career planning and employability skills will be emphasized.

Criminal Justice Essentials (Level 2)

Course Description: 

     Criminal Justice Essentials provides an overview of the criminal justice system. Starting with historical perspectives of the origin of the system, the course reviews the overall structure. Students will become immersed in criminal and constitutional law and will review basic law enforcement skills. The course ends with a mock trial to provide participants with a first-hand experience of the criminal justice system. The course will also provide in-depth competencies and components for the co-curricular SkillsUSA student organization that should be incorporated throughout instructional strategies of the course. Participation in additional student organizations that align with Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security pathways (i.e. mock trial) is encouraged to enhance standards addressed in the curriculum. The prerequisite for this course is Introduction to Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security. 


Criminal Investigations (Level 3)

Course Description: 

This course is designed to provide students with an opportunity to explore the basic processes and principles of a criminal investigation. Students will learn the legal responsibilities and challenges of the patrol officer, investigator, and crime scene technician at a crime scene. Students will learn the importance of preserving and documenting the crime scene along with

the identification, collection, and processing of evidence and the contribution to the criminal investigation. The prerequisites for this course are Introduction to Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security, and Criminal Justice Essentials.

Related Pathway Occupations:

Police Detectives

Police Patrol Officers


Deputy Sheriff

Fire Investigators

First Line Supervisors of Police

     and Detectives

Other Related Law Enforcement/Criminal Investigation



FBI Special Agent


Narcotics Detective

Criminal Investigator


Average Annual
Salary Range

$28,000 - $46,000

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